Thursday, December 28, 2017

10 resolutions you won’t break before the Super Bowl

Sure, you have good intentions—heck, great intentions—when you form New Year's resolutions. But your ambitions need a little more than an end goal if we really want to succeed.You may want to lose 20lbs this year or stop drinking so much coffee, but how exactly do you plan on doing that? Licensed clinical therapist and certified personal trainer Matt Lawson explains that to reach your goals, you must create resolutions that you can commit to, that you have the means to commit to, and that you’re able to develop effective strategies to achieve. It’s a new year, and as he puts it, “in order to get better results you have to try a new way”.[RELATED1]You don’t have to toss your resolutions out the window, just tweak them a bit. Here are 10 resolutions you won’t break before February 4.

Article source here:Men’s Fitness

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