Tuesday, August 8, 2017

These 20 Period Memes Are So Bloody True That They Will Crack You Up Instantly!

Paralyzed on the couch, lying in the fetal position as you snuggle to a hot water bag and pop ibuprofen like candy.

Sounds familiar?

You winced, didn’t you?

Periods suck. Period.

These 20 Period Memes Are So Bloody True That They Will Crack You Up Instantly!

Image: Giphy

This is a universally acknowledged truth that no sane person will try to contest because let’s face it. Periods just aren’t fun. Every month, Mother Nature decides to bless you with agonizing cramps, fatigue, and the constant, irresistible urge to want to kill something. However, you can’t muster up the energy to make good on your threats because, well… (Refer to paralyzed on the couch.)

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a girl or a boy- when the Crimson fever is upon a woman there are no winners. Everyone’s a victim. Which is why the healthiest possible way to handle the situation (besides ranting your heart out on social media of course) is humor. Yep, a good old dose of the tummy ticklers. Because why not laugh, when you want to cry, right? In the words of the great Mahatma Gandhi, “If I had no sense of humor, I would have long ago committed suicide”  (or become a serial killer). So read on to discover a selection of period memes that will take you from cradling your pelvis and grimacing to clutching your abdomen and belly laughing!

1. Happening now in my uterus

1. Happening now in my uterus

Image: Giphy

So brutal yet so very true, you can’t deny that you just laughed while you simultaneously squirmed in your seat. This gif perfectly captures the pain of those heavy tides.

2. How my period greets me

2. How my period greets me

Image: Giphy

The old brought to my very knees pain. Glad we can laugh about it now, right? Right…? Please don’t cry.

3. My Uterus: Hmm, I didn’t bleed yesterday at all, so she thinks her period finished early and has on her cute panties.

Also, My Uterus:

3. My Uterus Hmm, I didn't bleed yesterday at all, so she thinks her period finished early and has on her cute panties.

Image: Giphy

Because at the end of the day, your uterus is one mean son of a bitch.

4. When I have period cramps, and someone looks at me:

4. When I have period cramps, and someone looks at me

Image: Giphy

Look away world… or face my wrath! There’s nothing like some good old period pain to bring out the crazy in you. If only we looked as good as Ryan Gosling as we threatened innocent strangers though (swoon).

5. Me when people ask me to describe period pain:

5. Me when people ask me to describe period pain

Image: Giphy

The perfect epigram to sum up that myriad of sensations you suffer. Can a simple painkiller take away this agony? Can it? ANSWER ME, PEOPLE!

6. Me when I need to get up and get stuff done but can’t move because, well, period cramps:

6. Me when I need to get up and get stuff done but can’t move because, well, period cramps

Image: Giphy

Can’t get any more real than this. That is the universal I’ve-got-my-period-but-got-to-get-off-this-couch walk.

7. Your best friends when you’re on your period:

7. Your best friends when you’re on your period

Image: Giphy

Because real superheroes don’t wear capes… They carry lots and lots of tampons and maxi pads. Did I emphasize enough on lots?

8. When people ask me what’s wrong:

8. When people ask me what’s wrong

Image: Giphy

That sounds about right… Damn you, Mother Nature!

9. Period: Guess who’s back to visit… once again!

Me: Ugh. Do I have to do this today?

Period: Should I come back 9 months later then?


9. Period Guess who’s back to visit... once again!

Image: Giphy

Because it’s not all doom and gloom, there are some silver linings to appreciate.

10. Sneezing on your period be like:

10. Sneezing on your period be like

Image: Giphy

You felt it, didn’t you? So did I my friend, so did I.

11. When you cry over a jelly bean the night before, then get your period the next morning:

11. When you cry over a jelly bean the night before, then get your period the next morning

Image: Giphy

Congratulations! You aren’t actually crazy. It’s just your damned hormones back at it again. Cheers!

12. When I’m on my period, and someone says hi:

12. When I’m on my period, and someone says hi

Image: Giphy

Not today buddy. PS. I’m a nicer person if you get to know me five days later though.

13. When I’m on my period and bae is just over there breathing:

13. When I’m on my period and bae is just over there breathing

Image: Giphy

Exactly! Can you like, not? Somebody’s busy here, trying to concentrate on not dying mister.

14. When you ask someone for a maxi pad, and they give you a tampon:

14. When you ask someone for a maxi pad, and they give you a tampon

Image: Giphy

How could you? Maybe this is all just a nightmare. Happy place… got to think of my happy place.

15. When you’re on your period, all bloated and with crappy skin, and bae tells you, you still look cute:

15. When you’re on your period, all bloated and with crappy skin, and bae tells you, you still look cute

Image: Giphy

I see right through you! But still, tell me more.

16. When your period is 3 days late.

Me: I haven’t touched a man in 76 years

Also Me: 

16. When your period is 3 days late.

Image: Giphy

 Logic and hormones aren’t exactly the best mix. And who can blame us, we’re all familiar with stories of divine intervention.

17. Me: For my first baby I want to have a natural birth with no epidural.

*Gets a menstrual cramp *


17. Me For my first baby I want to have a natural birth with no epidural.

Image: Giphy

While we’re at it, where’s the epidural for period pain anyway?

18. What I see when I watch happy women in tampon commercials:

18. What I see when I watch happy women in tampon commercials

Image: Giphy

That’s right. You must be a mythical beast cause I ain’t ever seen you in real life.

19. That feeling when your pad gets displaced…

19. That feeling when your pad gets displaced…

Image: Giphy

Exactly my sentiments.

20. Your best friend when you come to apologize for being such a crazy shrew after your period’s finally over:

20. Your best friend when you come to apologize for being such a crazy shrew after your period’s finally over

Image: Giphy

Cause we feel your pain girl! #sisterhood

That is all folks! Periods are always a pain in the unmentionables, but hopefully, these memes made them just a little more bearable. Stay strong sister!

The post These 20 Period Memes Are So Bloody True That They Will Crack You Up Instantly! appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

The article source is here:Style Craze

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