Tuesday, July 4, 2017

10 Most Embarrassing Beauty Problems All Girls Have… Solved!

It’s only 11 PM on a Saturday night, and the party is just getting started. But you are trying to discreetly twitch your thighs under the table, wishing so hard in your head that nobody notices that you’ve tuned out the conversation. And then you realize everyone at the table is looking at you, expectantly. Your nightmare has dawned! Did they see you twitch? How can you explain that? Then, thankfully, your bestie repeats the question – it is about your upcoming Hong Kong trip.

Girl, we feel you! That’s the kind of twitch that you don’t think you can even open up about to a table full of BFFs. These are the doubts you secretly Google at 2 AM in the morning before you realize it is as common as one of your feet being slightly bigger than the other.

Read on to find out just how common your concerns are and how you can deal with them.

1. Rash Down Under

1. Rash Down Under

Image: iStock

That sensational clean feeling after getting a bikini wax, unfortunately, does not last long for many people. Whether it is because the beauty stylist was not sensitive to your skin’s fragility or it’s just a one-off incident, developing a rash or ingrown hair after a bikini wax is quite a common issue among women.

Help Yourself: While the temptation to wear a thong under your LBD to celebrate your bikini wax is normal, try wearing pure cotton underwear that has a loose fit for a couple of days instead. After the waxing session, once the stylist has cleaned the area, apply cold aloe vera gel or frozen rose water cubes to avoid irritating the skin or developing ingrowth. If the irritations don’t go away after 48 hours, you may have to consult a dermatologist to understand whether that area of your body is suitable for waxing at all.

2. Can’t Take Your Shoes Off Around Others

2. Can’t Take Your Shoes Off Around Others

Image: iStock

Don’t be quick to blame yourself! Your poor feet have been trapped in your footwear, possibly even socks or stockings, for a long time. Especially in urban cultures such as today, where it is really hot and polluted outside and our buildings are air-conditioned, it is rare that we give our feet a chance to breathe freely.

Help Yourself: Twice daily, wash your feet with a pleasantly fragranced antibacterial soap, moisturize it well, and dust it with a powder that fights odor and bacteria. Another home remedy we suggest is a nice foot soak in a vinegar-water solution. There are many products today that fight foot odor while also soothing tiredness. Start experimenting and say goodbye to smelly feet!

3. Where Did You Say You Had A Zit?

3. Where Did You Say You Had A Zit

Image: iStock

Yes, ladies, zits and acne can show up even on our butts! As if bacne were not enough! If you continually live in humid temperatures but have to wear tight clothes that are not made of breathable material, butt acne will find you and annoy you. Acne can also appear in the chest area, making it impossible for you to wear low-necked clothing. At the same time, high-necked clothing may make the area uncomfortable by causing sweating near the acne.

Help Yourself: While moisturizing after your shower, don’t forget to massage a dollop of your moisturizer on to your butt and chest as well. Incorporate body exfoliation into your routine. This could be just a simple mixture of coconut oil and sugar, or a fancy, bottled body scrub. Dry skin can also cause acne. As far as possible, try not to wear very tight clothing for a long period, or at least wear breathable underwear under such clothing. Once you’re back home, or not at a formal event, wear flowy, easily-ventilated clothing.  If the problem persists, ask your GP if you can try a targeted ointment.

4. Pore Of The Issue

4. Pore Of The Issue

Image: iStock

If you’ve never experienced large pores, you probably don’t get how serious a concern it is for those who do. When excess oil meets skin that has not been exfoliated, large pores can be a recurring issue.

Help Yourself: Incorporate twice-a-week exfoliation with a scrub followed by a clay mask into your cleansing routine.  

5. Keep Scratching That Itch, But It Won’t Go Away

5. Keep Scratching That Itch, But It Won’t Go Away

Image: iStock

You have tried every anti-dandruff solution on the market, and now, you either have a dry scalp or hurtful sores from the scratching. If the dandruff is flaky, it can also be socially embarrassing for you, even though this is probably the most common issue.

Help Yourself: Try squeezing a couple of drops of lemon juice into coconut oil and massage the mixture into your scalp and hair pre-shampoo. This should soothe the scalp and eliminate the flakes.

6. No Close-Up Smile

6. No Close-Up Smile

Image: iStock

Teeth discoloration is another common concern, especially now that we live in a culture of caffeine and soda.

Help Yourself: Start brushing twice daily, and limit intake of foods that stain the enamel. Visit your dentist regularly for cleaning and check-ups.

7. Chafing

7. Chafing

Image: iStock

Darker skin in the inner thighs is a common concern in humid temperatures and for those who wear tight clothing.

Help Yourself: Make sure the area is well moisturized, and that the material of your clothing does not rub against the skin.

8. Patchwork Patty

8. Patchwork Patty

Image: iStock

If you experience sweat patches on your clothing, don’t be unhappy. Even celebs we admire face this issue.

Help Yourself: Try armpit shields – they will save your clothing from sweat patches. Reduce your intake of caffeine and processed foods – these tend to produce more sweat.

9. ‘Stache And Beard

9. ‘Stache And Beard

Image: iStock

Some of us have to thread more than just our eyebrows and upper lip. The chins, cheeks, and sideburns may be excessively hairy.

Help Yourself: Speak to your doctor about options such as laser treatment, and get yourself checked for PCOS or hormonal imbalances.

10. Cellulite

10. Cellulite

Image: iStock

Ah, that stubborn cellulite – no amount of exercise seems to cut through it! Like dark, inner thighs needn’t have been your only concern.

Help Yourself: Try rubbing a solution of apple cider vinegar, water, and honey on it. Rinse off with warm water. Scrub used coffee powder on it to invigorate blood circulation to the area.

The next time you feel you’re all alone in your suffering from one of these common problems, remember to find an article like this which can show you the easiest way to deal with your concerns.

The post 10 Most Embarrassing Beauty Problems All Girls Have… Solved! appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

The article source is here:Style Craze

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