Let’s talk about sex, baby! Stop with the hushing and gasps of horror; do you not want to lead a full and happy life? If we’re following the old maxim, ‘health is wealth,’ then don’t be deprived when it comes to your sexual health. Since knowledge is power (oh yes, we definitely threw another clichéd maxim in there. Bear with us, we’re on a roll), arm yourself with the knowledge of just how your body works and what it needs.
When it comes down to getting dirty, we all have different motivations. Some may be givers (I want to give you pleasure), some may be takers (I want to feel good), some of us are just bored (oh well, I might as well), some of us want to express our feelings (Let’s make love baby), some maybe a tad intoxicated (We did what last night?). It may even spring from a desire to expand your family (Soccer mom, here I come) or maybe even revenge (Well I showed him!), the list goes on. You get the idea.
Hey, but whatever rocks your boat, I won’t judge! Apparently, according to science getting on that fourth base and hitting that home run has several benefits that aren’t just oh so good for you (ha) but also surprisingly necessary. Besides causing the production of oxytocin aka the hormone of love (Didn’t the movie No Strings Attached teach you anything? Tsk tsk) and strengthening the relationship between you and your loved one, here are five more reasons why some (or a whole lot of) sex can lead to a healthier you:
1. Getting Action Means Reduced Anxiety & Stress
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A part of our brain called the hippocampus deals with emotions, memory and learning. Since stress is also an emotion, when us poor souls are overwrought, it is our hippocampus that helps us combat that dreaded stress.
According to a study, engaging in sexual activity acts as a stimulus for the growth of new cells in our hippocampus (1). This means that getting down and dirty would actually boost your brain’s ability to cope with stress (let’s admit it, way more fun than yoga), producing a blissfully less anxious, happy you. Seems too good to be true? There is also another study that claims sex has a positive effect towards regulating your blood pressure and hence, indirectly easing your stress (2). So go ahead and get some Netflix and chill tonight for we promise you that next morning at the office, your chill will outlast the monotony of work.
2. Sex Makes Your Man More Fertile
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For those of you rolling their eyes and muttering their disbelief, bear with us.
Unless you still haven’t progressed from the birds and bees tale, we all know that for conception we require one thing: the meeting of the egg and the sperm. But due to DNA damage, the sperm quality can decrease which makes conception less likely. However, according to a study in Australia, daily sex or ejaculation for seven consecutive days can decrease the amount of DNA damage thereby improving sperm quality (3).
In a study, around 81% of the male subjects had a decrease of roughly 12% sperm DNA damage. Hence if you’re a couple who’s been trying for the little pitter-pattering of feet in your home, getting busy for 7 consecutive days until ovulation day in the missus’s cycle would probably increase your chances.
3. Sex Can Be Analgesic
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That’s right folks; you heard me straight. Sexual intercourse can decrease pain!
If you’ve ever indulged in some Gray’s Anatomy or just had surgery, then you’re probably familiar with the painkiller known as ‘morphine.’ Our bodies are capable of endogenous production of a group of morphine type painkiller hormones called ‘endorphins.’ These bad boys will reduce your sensitivity to pain thereby increasing your pain threshold. During sex, the increase in levels of the hormone of love, our very own oxytocin, stimulates endorphin release (4). Chronic knee pain? Sex may not cure you, but it could very well make life a little less painful and a whole lot more fun!
4. Sex Can Increase Your Body’s Immunity
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A prevalent defense protein in your body is Immunoglobulin A (IgA). IgA is released in all of your body’s secretions, the more IgA you produce, the greater your immunity. A study that involved 112 students showed that college students who participated 1 or 2 times a week in sexual activities had greater IgA levels in their saliva than those students who had no sex or those who had too much sex (5). This proves that with the right amount of sex you’re most probably going to fall sick a lot less more. Can you think of a better healthcare plan?
5. Sex Can Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease
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Perhaps the most interesting study suggests that there exists a relationship between sex and death. If anyone said you could die from too much sex, well this cohort study suggests quite the opposite—the greater the number of your orgasms, the lower your mortality! (6). The study observed 918 middle-aged men for 10 years and found that in men with a higher orgasmic frequency their mortality rate was a whopping 50% lower!
Could this be the secret to a longer, healthier life? Perhaps Lord Voldemort would have been better off having indulged in a sex life than fanatically creating Horcruxes. Oh well, we’ll never know.
The post Five Reasons To Have More Sex appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
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