Friday, June 23, 2017

6 Pubic Hair Myths It’s Time You Stopped Believing

Myths are born where there’s lack of awareness. Your vagina and the pubic hair around it are perfect victims of such myths. That’s because, for thousands of years, people preferred to talk about this only behind closed doors. Let us stop fueling these myths by throwing some light on the facts. After all, I am speaking about our own body part and not about some far off planet. Here’s a list of the most believed pubic hair myths and why you must stop believing them right away.

1. It Is A Put-Off To Have A Fully Grown Bush Down There

1. It Is A Put-Off To Have A Fully Grown Bush Down There

Image: Shutterstock

Did a man say that to you? Wear your pants now and get the hell out of the room. Removing your pubic hair, letting them grow, or removing the hair and wearing a wig as the Victorians did – it is YOUR choice and not HIS. It’s those boys in their teens who think of dating girls with a shaved pubis and consider bush a complete turn-off. You are missing so much, guys! That shows how much they have contributed to the traffic of the porn websites. While the preference is subjective, do not resort to removing the pubic hair for the sole reason that your partner thinks it is a turn-off. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than such a stereotyped attitude. However, if you agree with that and want to shave it off, it is between the two of you. Also, pubes, in fact, make it more erotic and raw, if that is how you want it to be.

2. Pubic Hair Reduces Pleasure During Intercourse

2. Pubic Hair Reduces Pleasure During Intercourse

Image: Shutterstock

Although some women feel going hairless makes them reach the peak easily, there’s something beneficial about the pubic hair there. Some women say that it is even more pleasurable when they let their pubic hair be because there’s lot more activity that’s done to bring about the right amount of stimulation. To reach out the sensitive skin beneath, your partner will have to do quite a bit of groping which only stimulates you more rather than decreasing the pleasure.

3. Removing Pubes Is Essential For Vaginal Hygiene

If this is what you think, then, let me tell you, by removing your pubic hair you are only making yourself more vulnerable to bacterial and viral infections (1). You are hampering with the protective nature of your pubes when you remove them. Also, you cause microscopic injuries when you remove hair down there by shaving. This only increases the risk of infections and nullifies your argument that removing pubic hair is essential to maintain a good vaginal hygiene.

4. The Pube Color Is The Same As The Hair On The Scalp

This again is a myth that people comfortably believe in. But No, they don’t necessarily have to match. Hair color is decided by the amount of melanin produced. More often than not, melanin production is slightly more in the pubic area, and hence the hair is darker there. This is an old and baseless belief that the hair on the scalp and hair down there match.

5. You Can’t Enjoy Oral Sex If There’s Hair There

Like for the usual intercourse, there’s no hindrance caused by the pubic hair if your partner wants to indulge in oral sex. The foreplay just becomes more creative, fun, and beyond that, more intimate when you just opt for being natural. It has been said time, and again that pubic hair traps the provocative pheromones within them and just drive your partner crazy with the odor they produce. The scent is mild, and it definitely smells like a vagina, but then that’s what intimacy is all about, isn’t it? If you want it to smell like roses, that’s what gardens are for. Vaginas are for something beyond that!

6. Pubic Hair Is A Sign Of Fertility

6. Pubic Hair Is A Sign Of Fertility

Image: Shutterstock

Blah! People come up with random stuff. It is not their fault. We believe them all and hence is our fault. So, some men in China don’t marry women who shave their pubic hair off (or probably, at one time didn’t marry) because they consider this to be a sign of infertility. I can imagine where this rumor found its base, though. The growth of pubic hair starts at puberty, the time when a girl shows her first sign of being able to reproduce. This is just a secondary sexual characteristic that indicates the onset of puberty. However, shaving it off will in no way affect your fertility nor does it render you infertile.

While people continue to have  their opinions, you can decide for yourself whether or not to shave your pubes off! Although, I don’t see a reason why you cannot rock a perfectly grown full bush. Agree with me? Comment below, then!

The post 6 Pubic Hair Myths It’s Time You Stopped Believing appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

The article source is here:Style Craze

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